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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

surprise !!
i did graduate=june 4 1963
ben made me do it!

my great grand daughter
billy 111 daughter
karlieigh march 11,2008

remembering husband & father on his
birthday aug. 29, 1940

we thought of you with love today,
but that is nothing new, we thought about you
yesterday, and days before that too. we think of
you in silence, we often speak your name.
now all we have is memories, and your picture
in a frame. your memory is our keepsake, with
which we'll never part. god has you in his keeping
and we have you in our hearts forever more!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

mom and sons

mom (linda)
and sons
Gary Bill Ben

mom and dad

mom and dad (linda darlene (maiden name-maust)
william arthur lint

my mom(goldie marie=maiden name-rhodes)
my dad(benjamin franklin maust)
bros.&sisters=standing(brenda shea, self, josephine yash,
bessie clutter, waneda fidrus,= below= jack, lindsey, morris)

dads family==freda lint lewis(maiden name shreck)
dads real dad=robert lint
freda and kenneth lewis
not included in picture=donald lint& your dad william lint, sr.
bros.&sisters= back row-kenneth lewis,jr.-fred lint-charles
(buck) lint-milt lint-amos lewis==front row=debbie lewis-
jean (lint) lewis-patty(lint)grimm=bertie lint-brenda(lint)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Home Made Kornhole Boards

My brother Bill made these from stuff around his house.
Sanded sheet of plywood, 2x4's plastic storage container for bag catch, old baby stroller wheels to roll them around ez storage, dimensions from the internet, personal pref. paint job and there you have it! Coat it with clear lacquer for smooth slide.